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Exhibitions / Switzerland

Alex Ruthner -  Holidays

Alex Ruthner

18.03.2016 – 16.04.2016
@ Grieder Contemporary, Zürich

Sometimes the background is a creamy colour, such as in „Norm und Form“, at other times grey and blue shades dominate, or a contrasting range of reds and pale blues. The artist „signs in“ to these „user interfaces“ using delicate pencil lines, interwoven or hatched lines, or bold splatters of blue, green or yellow paint – „art action spraying 2.0“, as it were.

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Thursday 17.03.2016 | 18:00 – 20:00
@ Grieder Contemporary, Zürich


Profile picture of  Michael Jeremy Watson

Michael Jeremy Watson became likeyou

Ferdinand Arnold - Malerei /  Barbara Heé

Ferdinand Arnold – Malerei
Barbara Heé

17.03.2016 – 30.04.2016
@ Galerie Rosenberg, Zürich

Immer hat Ferdinand Arnold gemalt; intensiv, konzentriert, mit einer lebhaften Ausprägung von Geduld. Er ist in seiner Malerei einen eigenen Weg gegangen, und immer noch führt ihn dieser Weg weiter voran: in eine konsequente, radikale und zugleich differenziert empfundene Reduktion; in eine Fokussierung auf Farbe(n) – dabei etwas schaffend, was über Farbe, über die Farbfleck-Gruppen hinausreicht: eine Art 'Farbkörperlichkeit', verbunden mit einer sich beim Betrachten einstellenden Bildräumlichkeit.

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Thursday 17.03.2016 | 18:00 – 20:00
@ Galerie Rosenberg, Zürich

Profile  picture of Morgan Patryck Schmid

Morgan Patryck Schmid became likeyou

Takesada Matsutani

Takesada Matsutani

19.03.2016 – 21.05.2016
@ Hauser & Wirth, Zürich

Hauser & Wirth will present the gallery's first Zurich exhibition devoted to internationally-admired Osaka-born, Paris-based artist Takesada Matsutani. Over a five-decade career that began with his participation in the Gutai Art Association and evolved to express the tangled complexities of a life lived between France and Japan, Matsutani has developed a unique visual language of form and materials.

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Friday 18.03.2016 | 18:00 – 20:00
@ Hauser & Wirth, Zürich

Profile picture of  Alma Ya Lorenza Gomez

Alma Ya Lorenza Gomez became likeyou

Wilhelm Sasnal

Wilhelm Sasnal

19.03.2016 – 21.05.2016
@ Hauser & Wirth, Zürich

Hauser & Wirth Zürich presents a solo exhibition of new and recent works by Wilhelm Sasnal, the pre-eminent painter and film-maker known for his incongruous and quietly unsettling portrayal of our collective surroundings and history. The exhibition will showcase a large number of new works informed by his recent travels to America's southern states, and the events and crises currently dominating world affairs.

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Friday 18.03.2016 | 18:00 – 20:00
@ Hauser & Wirth, Zürich

Profile picture of  Bernadin Scime

Bernadin Scime became likeyou

Teresa Chen -  Ambivalence

Teresa Chen

19.03.2016 – 14.05.2016
@ Galerie Bob Gysin, Zürich

With the exhibition title „Ambivalence“, Teresa Chen refers both to the content and the form of her new body of work. The linking of conflicting connotations, ambivalence and contradiction are still prevailing themes in her work. For the newest series – it is the sixth solo show of the artist at the Galerie Bob Gysin, Teresa Chen has shifted from analog photography to a digital camera and process.

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Friday 18.03.2016 | 18:00 – 20:00
@ Galerie Bob Gysin, Zürich

Teresa Chen will be present.

Profile picture of  Alqublani Muaadh

Alqublani Muaadh became likeyou

Sonja Maria  Schobinger - woman picks flowers

Sonja Maria Schobinger
woman picks flowers

19.03.2016 – 23.04.2016
@ Galerie Monika Wertheimer, Oberwil

Sonja Maria Schobinger wurde in eine Künstlerfamilie hinein geboren. Schon sehr früh begann sie mit der Kamera und im Labor zu experimentieren. Sie stand oft selbst Modell, was sie auf die Idee brachte, ihre Kamera als ständiger Begleiter dabei zu haben, um spezielle Momente ihres Alltags festzuhalten. Entstanden sind dabei poetische Fotos von einer betörenden Sinnlichkeit.

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Friday 18.03.2016 | 17:00 – 20:00
@ Galerie Monika Wertheimer, Oberwil

Profile picture of  Delante Gregory

Delante Gregory became likeyou

ambivalence of dawn -  vom Prinzip der Verheissung

ambivalence of dawn – vom Prinzip der Verheissung

19.03.2016 – 24.04.2016
@ Kunst Raum Riehen, Riehen

Aida Kidane, Angela Cerullo & Giorgio Bloch, Manuel Schneider, Mika Taanila, Konrad Zuse (1910 – 1995 Deutschland), Copenhagen Suborbitals
Die neue Ausstellung im Kunst Raum Riehen spannt einen Bogen zwischen den gesellschaftlichen und technologischen Utopien der 1960er Jahre und deren Rezeption und Implikation heute. Es wird im Spiegel zeitgenössischer Kunst die Frage gestellt, welche Rolle Utopien und Visionen heute spielen und wie diese im gesellschaftlichen Diskurs angewendet werden im Hinblick auf eine mögliche Zukunft.

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Friday 18.03.2016 | 19:00 – 21:00
@ Kunst Raum Riehen, Riehen


Exhibitions / China

Dexter  Dalwood - Propaganda Painting

Dexter Dalwood
Propaganda Painting

22 March – 25 April 2016
@ Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong

Simon Lee Gallery is proud to present an exhibition of new paintings by London-based artist Dexter Dalwood, his second exhibition with the gallery and first solo exhibition in Hong Kong. This new series further develops Dalwood's ongoing investigation into the role of images and painting in the construction of history. The context of China has provided him with a rich history to draw upon in order to make wider cultural, economic and political associations and provocations in this new body of paintings.

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Monday 21 March 2016 | 6 – 8 pm
@ Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong

Profile picture of Anna Paola Supino

Anna Paola Supino became likeyou


Exhibitions / United States

Brandon Andrew - The Roughs

Brandon Andrew
The Roughs

12 March – 16 April 2016
@ Luis De Jesus Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

Luis De Jesus Los Angeles is please to present „The Roughs“, a selection of neon works and collages by Los Angeles based artist Brandon Andrew. Andrew juxtaposes animation roughs of Goofy over found images from the 1968 Chicago Freedom Movement and Democratic National Convention. In these works, abstracted multi–color images of the Disney character overlay black and white photographs of the Civil Rights era.

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Profile picture of  Cynthia Forster

Cynthia Forster became likeyou

Gianna Commito,  Matthew F Fisher and Jim Gaylord - Finding Your Way

Gianna Commito, Matthew F Fisher and Jim Gaylord
Finding Your Way

16 March – 01 May 2016
@ Monya Rowe Gallery, Saint Augustine, FL

Monya Rowe Gallery is pleased to announce „Finding Your Way“ featuring Gianna Commito, Matthew F Fisher and Jim Gaylord. The works on view include collage and painting. This group exhibition brings together three artists whom depict shapes and spatial concerns in differing ways. The artists are united by their use of clean lines and a close attention to form and edges.

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Wednesday 16 March 2016 | 5 – 7 pm
@ Monya Rowe Gallery, Saint Augustine, FL

Profile picture of  Stephine Morgan

Stephine Morgan became likeyou

Timothy Wehrle -  Elseware

Timothy Wehrle

17 March – 16 April 2016
@ P·P·O·W, New York, NY

P.P.O.W is pleased to present an exhibition of new works by Timothy Wehrle, his first show with the gallery. A self-taught artist, Wehrle creates intricate drawings that carefully blend nostalgic yearnings with stark depictions of everyday life in rural, middle-America.

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Thursday 17 March 2016 | 6 – 8 pm
@ P·P·O·W, New York, NY

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christophe became likeyou

Ted Larsen -  Industrial Park

Ted Larsen
Industrial Park

17 March – 23 April 2016
@ Margaret Thatcher Projects, New York, NY

Margaret Thatcher Projects is excited to present „Industrial Park“, a series of new works by Ted Larsen in what will be his debut solo exhibition at the gallery. Larsen examines the history and moldable identity of discarded objects and materials through the creation of minimal sculptures.

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Thursday 17 March 2016 | 6 – 8 pm
@ Margaret Thatcher Projects, New York, NY

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Closing exhibitions of this week

Garth Weiser

Garth Weiser

Until 17.03.2016
@ Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong

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Christoph Hänsli - Nasse Hunde  bleiben draussen!
Heji Shin -  #lonelygirl

Heji Shin – #lonelygirl

Until 19.03.2016
@ Galerie Bernhard, Zürich

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Bogomir  Krajnc & Reto Messmer - line-up # 8

Bogomir Krajnc & Reto Messmer – line-up # 8

Until 19.03.2016
@ Jedlitschka Gallery, Zürich

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Fred  Tomaselli - Early Work or How I Became a Painter

Fred Tomaselli – Early Work or How I Became a Painter

Until 19.03.2016
@ James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY

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Jonas Burkhalter,  Florian Gasser, Gian Häne - Landschaft

Jonas Burkhalter, Florian Gasser, Gian Häne – Landschaft

Until 20.03.2016
@ sihlquai55 inspace | visarte zürich, Zürich

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David Berweger - Trumpet Oil

David Berweger – Trumpet Oil

Until 20.03.2016
@ Vebikus Kunsthalle Schaffhausen, Schaffhausen

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Guided tour:  DADA Differently - Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Hannah Höch, Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven
Guided tour: Ulla  von Brandenburg- Manchmal Ja, manchmal Nein

Guided tour: Ulla von Brandenburg – Manchmal Ja, manchmal Nein

Wednesday 16.03.2016 | 18:30 – 19:30
@ Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich

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Guided tour: Sadie  Murdoch – Sss—Mm

Guided tour: Sadie Murdoch – Sss—Mm

Wednesday 16.03.2016 | 18:30 – 19:30
@ Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich

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Concert: Björn Magnusson & The Cold  Fiction Rehearsal

Concert: Björn Magnusson & The Cold Fiction Rehearsal

Wednesday 16.03.2016 | 19:30 – 22:00
@ Helmhaus Zürich, Zürich

Björn Magnusson & The Cold Fiction Rehearsal sind mit Rock unterwegs, der aber ganz schön „out of tune“ klingt. Der 28-jährige Musiker, halb Schwede, halb Schweizer, aus Schwyz und jetzt in Zürich zu Hause, liebt das Unberechenbare und Rohe, fügt Fragmente von Texten und Fetzen von Musik zusammen und überrascht sich dabei gerne selbst.

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Artist Talk: Elodie Pong - Liquidity

Artist Talk: Elodie Pong – Liquidity

Thursday 17.03.2016 | 18:30 – 19:30
@ Helmhaus Zürich, Zürich

Gespräch mit Elodie Pong und Bettina Steinbrügge, Leiterin Kunstverein in Hamburg.

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Guided tour: Camille  Graeser - and Music

Guided tour: Camille Graeser – and Music

Thursday 17.03.2016 | 18:30 – 19:30
@ Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau

Führung mit Thomas Schmutz, Kunsthistoriker und Kurator der Ausstellung und Tomas Dratva, Pianist.

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Performance: Irene Maag -  Glaubenskörper

Performance: Irene Maag – Glaubenskörper

Friday 18.03.2016 | 18:30 – 19:30
@ Trudelhaus Baden / Ausstellungsraum visarte.aargau, Baden

Im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Corpus Transmitter“.

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Finissage: Bogomir Krajnc & Reto Messmer - line-up # 8

Finissage: Bogomir Krajnc & Reto Messmer – line-up # 8

Saturday 19.03.2016 | 11:00 – 17:00
@ Jedlitschka Gallery, Zürich

Bogomir Krajnc wird anwesend sein.

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Guided tour: Elodie Pong - Paradise Paradoxe

Guided tour: Elodie Pong – Paradise Paradoxe

Sunday 20.03.2016 | 11:00 – 12:00
@ Helmhaus Zürich, Zürich

Führung mit der Kunsthistorikerin Kristina Gersbach.

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Guided tour: DADA  Differently - Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Hannah Höch, Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven
Guided tour: Ulla  von Brandenburg- Manchmal Ja, manchmal Nein

Guided tour: Ulla von Brandenburg – Manchmal Ja, manchmal Nein

Sunday 20.03.2016 | 11:15 – 12:15
@ Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich

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Guided tour: Sadie  Murdoch – Sss—Mm

Guided tour: Sadie Murdoch – Sss—Mm

Sunday 20.03.2016 | 11:15 – 12:15
@ Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich

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Guided tour: Jos  Nünlist - Other Avenues

Guided tour: Jos Nünlist – Other Avenues

Sunday 20.03.2016 | 11:00 – 12:00
@ Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau

Führung mit Julia Schallberger.

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Reading: Jos Nünlist - Other  Avenues

Reading: Jos Nünlist – Other Avenues

Sunday 20.03.2016 | 13:00 – 14:00
@ Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau

Albert Freuler (Sprecher) und Jürg Frey (Klarinettist) gestalten eine Lesung mit Gedichten und Texten von Jos Nünlist.

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Guided  tour: Christoph Rütimann - Die Linie im Kopf

Guided tour: Christoph Rütimann – Die Linie im Kopf

Sunday 20.03.2016 | 11:00 – 12:00
@ Kunstmuseum Solothurn, Solothurn

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Art Event: Navid Sadrosadat Tschopp -  Norooz

Art Event: Navid Sadrosadat Tschopp – Norooz

Sunday 20.03.2016 | 18:00 – 21:00
@ Kunstraum Baden, Baden

Norooz ist das persische Neujahr. Ein guter Anlass für Navid Tschopp, uns persisch zu bekochen. Nur auf Anmeldung bis 16. März.

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Screening: Quynh Dong - Late Autumn  2015

Screening: Quynh Dong – Late Autumn 2015

Tuesday 22.03.2016 | 19:00 – 20:30
@ Galerie Bob Gysin, Zürich

Video in der zeitgenössischen Kunst. Sechsteilige Veranstaltungsreihe, Projektion und Werkgespräch mit Quynh Dong. Kuratorium und Gesprächsleitung: Bruno Z'Graggen, freier Kurator, Zürich.

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